What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, sensations and surrounding environment. When we practice mindfulness, we learn how to pay attention to many things . . . our breath, thoughts, sounds, emotions and body sensations, while bringing kindness and curiosity to our experiences.
Mindfulness can help us to calm down when we are upset, angry, sad or frustrated. It creates space, allowing us to pause and respond to situations wisely, rather than reacting on impulse. It can help us to focus and do well in school, sports or music. Mindfulness can also help us to feel happy, calm, relaxed and ready to learn!
Learning to be mindful—to pay attention in the moment without resistance or judgment-—can shift the course of our lives. Instead of being driven by our fears and hopes, we learn how to listen to ourselves and others, to pause and respond wisely.
~ Amy Gross
Check out these resources to find out more
about mindfulness in education!
Photo credit: Lindsay Morris for The New York Times
Online Articles and Blog Posts
Downloadable Printables
- Under Stress, Students in New York Find Calm in Meditation
- Why I Love My Daughter's Mindfulness Classes At School
- Mindful Schools Blog Post on Learning How To Be A Mindful Educator
- Jackson Heights Elementary School Celebrates Planting of Peace Poles
- Mindful Life Conference
- Spiderman Breath!
Downloadable Printables